Author: Agnieszka Godusławska

Agnieszka Godusławska, adwokat, handles individual, collective, and EU employment law. She has experience in employment restructuring, including group layoffs, outsourcing, and staff transfers. She is involved in due diligence of companies. Her experience includes establishing and terminating employment relationships as well as contracts with corporate management. She handles litigation involving employment and termination, as well as claims seeking determination of the existence of an employment relationship. She also provides day-to-day legal support for employers and advises employers in bankruptcy.
Agnieszka Godusławska
Posted on Categories employment contract

Cause of employment contract termination cannot be modified

Employment contract termination is one of the most important legal actions in relation to an employer – employee, as it terminates the legal relationship binding them. An employer must diligently prepare for termination of an employment contract. Any error on his part may result in the need to pay compensation to an employee or even to reinstate the employee at work on previous terms.

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