Author: Klaudia Czarniecka

Klaudia Czarniecka
Posted on Categories varia

Crisis management without lay-offs

Between the hammer and anvil: a forgotten institution in an employer’s crisis situation

The current socio-economic situation presents employers a huge challenge. On one hand, they confront inflationary increases that are necessary to retain employees. On the other hand, they struggle with rising prices and business costs. Depending on the industry, business instability and discrepancy between planned and actual profits are increasingly forcing businesses to conduct so-called collective redundancies. Is there an alternative for them to mitigate the effects of falling purchasing power and high business costs?

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Posted on Categories personal data, whistleblowers

Are you drafting a whistleblowing policy? Don’t forget about personal data

Work is underway on a bill implementing the EU’s Whistleblower Directive (2019/1937). It is not yet clear whether the directive will be implemented into Polish law on time (by 17 December 2021), but many companies are already drafting the necessary documents and organisational procedures.

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