Category: accident at work

Posted on Categories accident at work

An accident at work – what next? Work accidents during remote work

Based on internal regulations or the provisions of the so-called anti-crisis shield, many employers have decided to instruct employees to perform remote work. Until now, employers have rarely used this form of work, so this is a serious challenge for them. This concerns not only organising remote work, but also providing employees with safe conditions for performing it in their place of residence. One of the difficulties that employers should take into account is the possibility of work-related accidents.

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Posted on Categories accident at work

Accident at work – and what next: When to appoint an accident investigation team?

An accident at work has far-reaching consequences for an employer. An accident procedure must be initiated in which the accident investigation team examines the circumstances and causes of the accident, then includes their findings in an accident report. The labour inspector and public prosecutor must also be informed of any fatal, serious or collective accident. The labour inspector may initiate an inspection at the workplace and the public prosecutor may initiate criminal proceedings to investigate the accident.

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