
The latest changes in immigration regulations pertaining to Ukrainian citizens

Changes in immigration regulations have been abundant recently. Magdalena Świtajska and Katarzyna Sawicka write about those that have already come into effect.

Employing Ukrainian citizens in Poland—step by step

What can employers say in a job advertisement? How to verify the legality of a worker’s stay in Poland? What are the steps for legally hiring Ukrainians in Poland? What formalities are required when amending their terms of employment? How to delegate Ukrainian citizens to work elsewhere in the EU? How to end cooperation with foreign workers? Lawyers from the firm’s Employment & Global Mobility practice write about the rules for employing Ukrainians in Poland.

Aleksandra Jasinowicz, Katarzyna Sawicka, Magdalena Świtajska, Aleksandra Wójcik

How to prepare for implementation of whistleblower regulations?

The deadline has passed, but the regulations are not yet in place. Businesses should take advantage of the delay to think through all aspects of their internal whistleblowing procedures.

Agnieszka Godusławska, Agnieszka Lisiecka

Remote work: New regulations for working away from work

Starting in April 2023, new regulations governing work away from the employer’s location will take effect in Poland. Provisions on “remote work” will replace the old regulations on “telework.” What responsibilities do the new provisions entail, and how will remote work differ from telework?

dr hab. Marcin Wujczyk

Is labour law ready for the metaverse?
Since 28 October 2021, when Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that he was renaming his tech empire Meta and planned to create a metaverse, countless articles have been written about this concept. But most of them focus on the key issues of data protection and intellectual property rights. Relatively little space is devoted to considering how the spread of the metaverse will affect the work environment. Katarzyna Magnuska, dr Szymon Kubiak
Foreign workers: Unexploited opportunities for the Polish labour market

6For years, the figure of “five million” foreign workers who must be absorbed into the Polish labour market within the next decade or so if the Polish economy is to keep growing at its current pace has kept cropping up in the press and in public debate.

Magdalena Świtajska, Aleksandra Wójcik
