articles: employees with disabilities

Since 1997, employers hiring disabled workers have been able to apply for support from PFRON. This applies both to sheltered workplaces and to the open labour market.
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Many employers believe that they have the right to require their employees to provide information on their disability. This is because employers have an obligation to ensure that employees with disabilities can exercise particular privileges. The Personal Data Protection Office ('PDPO') examined this issue in its position paper published on 24 August 2020, where it reminded that it is up to the employee to decide whether or not to provide such information.
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The Act dated 31 March 2020, namely the so-called Anti-Crisis Shield 1.0, introduced a series of new provisions to the Act dated 2 March 2020 on specific solutions associated with the prevention and countering of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, other contagious diseases and the crisis situations they cause (hereafter the Special Law). Its main purpose was to primarily enable employers to retain work positions during suspension of activity or reduction of revenues. It also includes important provisions on extension of the validity of judgments regarding disability, degree of disability and inability to...
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Corporate awareness of social responsibilities is growing on the dynamically changing labour market. Private business is paying increasing attention to exclusion and diversity among employees. One of the manifestations of such openness and social responsibility is the gradually growing interest in employing people with disabilities. This proves that the role of more inclusive employers, i.e. employers who draw as many employees as possible into the life of the workplace, is increasing.
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