articles: posting

9 April 2020
As of 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union and has since been recognised as a third country. This opened an 11-month transition period which will last until the end of 2020. This is the first case in which a country leaves the EU and has since led to many legal and practical dilemmas. As part of our #Brexit feature we present some of the main problems and explain the key issues concerning labour laws and workers' rights.
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7 April 2020
As of 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union and has since been recognised as a third country. This opened an 11-month transition period which will last until the end of 2020. This is the first case in which a country leaves the EU and has since led to many legal and practical dilemmas. As part of our #Brexit feature we present some of the main problems and explain the key issues concerning labour laws and workers’ rights.
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5 February 2020
Public consultations on the draft amendments to the Posting of Workers Act are in progress. The Act governs the conditions of employment of workers posted to the territory of the Republic of Poland by a foreign employer for the purpose of temporary provision of services. The changes are aimed at implementing in Polish law the amended EU Posting of Workers Directive (2018/957). The amendment contains several significant changes concerning the obligations to be fulfilled by a foreign employer posting his personnel to Poland. First of all, it broadens the scope of minimum conditions of...
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27 November 2019
Polish employers sending workers on foreign business trips more and more often have legitimate doubts whether they should apply for an A1 certificate for such staff. This is a document required in the case of posting of workers, confirming that they are covered by the social security legislation of the given jurisdiction. The problem mainly involves how to understand the notion of “posting” as used in European rules for coordination of social security systems, which govern the issuance of A1 certificates.
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