
Transfer of employees is not always automatic

A Polish company, part of an international capital group, experienced a period of internal changes. One department that had previously carried out certain business processes was divided between different entities—two newly established Polish subsidiaries. These entities will continue to provide services to the parent company under an intragroup transition service agreement (of a long-term or short-term nature). During the preparations for this manoeuvre, it turned out that the only “asset” the client wanted to transfer to the newly established company was employees. Is this solution possible at all?

Dr Szymon Kubiak, Jarosław Karlikowski

Publication: The guide to minimum terms of employment for posted workers

Wardyński & Partners presents the guide to minimum terms of employment for posted workers across 25 European countries. The guide was created by our Employment practice with the invaluable involvement of our fellow lawyers from firms across Europe who shared contributions on their jurisdictions.

Employment law newsletter, October-December 2019
Remuneration policy in public companies, protection of whistleblowers, employee capital plans, full ban on Sunday shopping, remuneration specified in offers of employment, security camera surveillance of employees (ECHR judgement), revocation of the first PDPO penalty (PAC judgement), running a blog on work-related topics (ECHR judgement).
World Services Group Publication: Equal Gender Pay

Gender pay equality is a fundamental right embedded in the EU Treaty and in numerous European Directives. Yet, this right is not yet a reality. Women still earn less than men across Europe and are under-represented in decision-making positions. Many European countries have taken initiatives to address this inequality in pay. This booklet covers 20 countries in Europe and sets out figures and trends, the legal framework on gender pay equality, the sanctions for the employer and the means of action for the employee in the event of any violation of the equal pay legislation.

Agnieszka Lisiecka

Employment law newsletter, June - September 2019
Easier pursuit of claims for discrimination and mobbing, obligation to retain an employee until the end of court proceedings, minimum wage in 2020, “zero-rate PIT for young people”, varying employees’ remuneration in relation to length of service (Supreme Court judgement), issuance of A1 certificates (Court of Justice judgement and the stance of the Ministry of the Family, Labour and Social Policy)
Employment law newsletter, January - May 2019
Labour Code: new rendition of provisions on mobbing, discrimination and work certificates. Personal data under labour law. Status of British citizens in Poland after Brexit. Highest earners’ contributions to Employee Capital Plans. Supreme Court: age and personal connections as discrimination criteria. Court of Justice of the EU: obligation to register time at work for all employees.