Category: coronavirus

Posted on Categories coronavirus, personal data

Employers will (probably) be able to check their staff’s COVID-19 status

A bill entitled the Act on Specific Solutions Facilitating Business Operations During the COVID-19 Epidemic has been filed with the Sejm. It would allow employers in Poland to demand information from employees about COVID-19 test results, having undergone a COVID-19 infection, or vaccination against COVID-19.

According to the proposal, an employer would be entitled to demand information from an employee or a person in a civil-law relationship (e.g. a contractor) to the effect that the person has obtained a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours before submission of the information.

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Posted on Categories coronavirus

Routine medical examinations of employees during an epidemic – a suspended obligation or an outright ban?

The temporary regulations that were introduced in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic have temporarily amended certain labour law regulations. One of them concerns a suspension of Labour Code obligations regarding routine medical examinations. This has raised justified doubts among employers who are wondering whether the regulations have merely suspended the performance of the routine medical examination obligations, or if they should be interpreted as a temporary ban on performing them.

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Posted on Categories coronavirus, employees with disabilities

Can you combine Covid-shield wage top-ups with wage support from PFRON (the state fund for rehabilitating disabled persons)?

Since 1997, employers hiring disabled workers have been able to apply for support from PFRON. This applies both to sheltered workplaces and to the open labour market.

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Posted on Categories coronavirus, employees with disabilities

Extension of the validity of rulings on disability due to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic

The Act dated 31 March 2020, namely the so-called Anti-Crisis Shield 1.0, introduced a series of new provisions to the Act dated 2 March 2020 on specific solutions associated with the prevention and countering of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, other contagious diseases and the crisis situations they cause (hereafter the Special Law). Its main purpose was to primarily enable employers to retain work positions during suspension of activity or reduction of revenues. It also includes important provisions on extension of the validity of judgments regarding disability, degree of disability and inability to work to which employers hiring disabled persons should draw particular attention.

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