Category: hiring foreigners

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Can foreigners obtain a PESEL number without registering their stay?

The first day of June this year saw the entry into force of amendments to the Act on Rules for Registering and Identifying Taxpayers and Tax Remitters, of 13 October 1995 (Act). They have redefined the rules concerning the PESEL (Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population) and NIP (Taxpayer Identification Number) tax identifiers. As a result, PESEL has become the primary identifier for taxpayers who are individuals and are not registered as taxpayers of goods and services or are not engaged in business. According to the justification for the Act, the amendments are intended to enable foreigners to obtain a PESEL identifier without having to register their stay and does away with the practice of assigning NIP numbers to such persons. This change is of great practical significance, particularly for persons providing HR and payroll services to companies employing foreigners.

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Posted on Categories hiring foreigners

Change of entity entrusting performance of work to a foreign citizen in the context of a permit for temporary residence and work

At present, a change of work does not constitute any kind of extraordinary situation, with foreign citizens not being an exception to this. However, they do not all have unlimited access to the labour market. Quite the contrary: employment is often dependent on prior acquisition of a work permit. And what happens in situations where a change of employer takes place in the course of proceedings to obtain a permit for temporary residence and work? What are the changes that do not require a change to a decision and what are the ones requiring the lodging of a respective motion? And finally, is it possible to change employer after receiving a residence card?

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Posted on Categories coronavirus, hiring foreigners

Foreign citizens do not need to leave Poland

The Polish so-called “anti-crisis shield” (The Act of 31 March 2020 amending the Act on special solutions related to the prevention and eradication of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, as well as some other acts) has introduced a series of legal solutions aimed at solving the problems caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus epidemic for the legality of foreign citizens staying and working in Poland. The new regulations are in force as of 31 March 2020.

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Posted on Categories coronavirus, hiring foreigners

The “Anti-Crisis Shield” also for Foreigners

The Polish so-called “anti-crisis shield” proposal assumes changes in a number of legislative acts, including the provisions governing the stay of foreigners on the territory of Poland. Among other things, these changes are necessary because of the limited activities of the authorities responsible for receiving and processing applications for residence permits as well as restrictions in cross-border traffic.

Among other changes, the proposal assumes an amendment to the Act on Foreigners as regards the deadline for submitting applications for residence permits.

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