Mateusz Brząkowski

Since 1997, employers hiring disabled workers have been able to apply
for support from PFRON. This applies both to sheltered workplaces and to the
open labour market.
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The Act dated 31 March 2020, namely the so-called Anti-Crisis Shield 1.0, introduced a series of new provisions to the Act dated 2 March 2020 on
specific solutions associated with the prevention and countering of the SARS-CoV-2
virus, other contagious diseases and the crisis situations they cause (hereafter
the Special Law). Its main purpose was to primarily
enable employers to retain work positions during suspension of activity or
reduction of revenues. It also includes important provisions on extension of
the validity of judgments regarding disability, degree of disability and inability
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Corporate awareness of social
responsibilities is growing on the dynamically changing labour market. Private
business is paying increasing attention to exclusion and diversity among
employees. One of the manifestations of such openness and social responsibility
is the gradually growing interest in employing people with disabilities. This
proves that the role of more inclusive employers, i.e. employers who draw as many
employees as possible into the life of the workplace, is increasing.
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On 20 March
2020, the Health Minister’s regulation declaring a state of epidemic Poland
entered into force. It states that from 20 March 2020 until further notice, a
state of epidemic related to SARS-CoV-2 infections is declared in Poland. At
the same time, a separate Health Minister regulation cancelled the state of
epidemiological threat in Poland.
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Draft laws comprising the so-called anti-crisis shield have already been
provided for public consultation. They are to be adopted by the government on
Tuesday 24 March, and by the Sejm on Friday
27 March.
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On 13 March 2020, an executive regulation of the
Minister of Health on the declaration of an epidemiological threat in the
Republic of Poland entered into force. It indicates that in the period from 14
March 2020 until further notice a state of an epidemiological threat is declared
in the Republic of Poland due to infections from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The
result is, inter alia, suspension of international air and rail connections and
a ban on foreigners entering the Republic of Poland. In turn, each person
crossing the state border to return to its place of residence or stay in the
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