Agnieszka Godusławska


Agnieszka Godusławska, adwokat, handles individual, collective, and EU employment law. She has experience in employment restructuring, including group layoffs, outsourcing, and staff transfers. She is involved in due diligence of companies. Her experience includes establishing and terminating employment relationships as well as contracts with corporate management. She handles litigation involving employment and termination, as well as claims seeking determination of the existence of an employment relationship. She also provides day-to-day legal support for employers and advises employers in bankruptcy.

7 December 2022

The Christmas and New Year period forces a change in work organisation in many companies. For many undertakings the turn of the year is a holiday period. This is particularly true for production plants, where starting up and maintaining full-scale production in this period is often economically insensible. However, reducing production does not mean that the machinery park can be left without any supervision.

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5 July 2022

An extended reference period as a tool for more flexible planning of working time. When can it be used and what mistakes need to be avoided?

Employers and employees both often desire flexibility in their employment relations. However, the interests of the parties to an employment contract are not always the same.

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30 December 2021
Mobbing is a particularly harmful and dangerous phenomenon. It adversely affects employees as well as the employer. Mobbing also negatively affects the work atmosphere and thereby assessment of the employer by present and future staff.
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23 December 2020
From 1 January 2021, payers of contributions and individuals commissioning work will be obliged to inform ZUS, (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, Poland’s social insurance institution) about concluding specific-task contracts (umowy o dzieło) that are not subject to social security and health insurance contributions. Thanks to this new obligation, ZUS will be able to verify the existence of the social security obligation of persons performing specific-task contracts. However, this brief regulation may raise many practical reservations.
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21 December 2020
Given the nature of their function, management board members take key business decisions. They have access to confidential information, including trade secrets whose disclosure or misuse could expose the company to a loss.  
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Employment contract termination is one of the most important legal actions in relation to an employer – employee, as it terminates the legal relationship binding them. An employer must diligently prepare for termination of an employment contract. Any error on his part may result in the need to pay compensation to an employee or even to reinstate the employee at work on previous terms.  
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