Rozanna Piela-Wojciechowska


Rozanna Piela-Wojciechowska, an attorney-at-law trainee, handles individual and collective labour law, particularly issues involving formation and termination of employment relationships, and employment restructuring, including transfers and layoffs of employees. She also handles data protection issues.

9 December 2019
Some time has passed since the Polish Labour Code was adjusted to the provisions of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, but some issues remain unclear. Problems with interpretation of the provisions arise at the stage of recruitment and determining which personal data of candidates may be collected and processed by prospective employees. Doubts are raised for example by the issue of the permissibility of obtaining residential addresses from job applicants.
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6 December 2019
Whistleblowers are individuals who voluntarily and in good faith report or disclose information about abuse, contributing to the prevention of harm and the detection of public-interest risks and threats that would otherwise remain undetected. Although national institutions and bodies, as well as social organisations, have repeatedly raised the need for regulations to protect such persons, Poland has not yet developed a comprehensive regulation to protect whistleblowers. This is expected to change in the near future, as on 7 October 2019 the Council of the European Union adopted the...
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