Piotr Podsiadły


Piotr Podsiadły, an attorney-at-law trainee, handles individual and collective labour law, particularly issues involving formation and termination of employment relationships, as well as issues of mobbing, discrimination and equal treatment in employment.

Employees expecting to receive termination notice often take sick leave to protect themselves from dismissal (or at least to postpone it). During the coronavirus pandemic, the risk of losing a job is increasing, whilst digitally obtaining a medical certificate is easier than ever. When dismissals have to take place in unusual circumstances, e.g. during a period of remote work, it is important to be familiar with the rules concerning termination of employment in the event of an employee's illness. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the illness itself that guarantees protection against...
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Due to the current situation caused by the spread of SARS-CoV-2, entrepreneurs are forced to cut costs. When other measures are insufficient, staff reductions may be necessary. Whether such redundancies take place collectively or individually, the rules on employment contract termination will still apply.
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27 November 2019
Polish employers sending workers on foreign business trips more and more often have legitimate doubts whether they should apply for an A1 certificate for such staff. This is a document required in the case of posting of workers, confirming that they are covered by the social security legislation of the given jurisdiction. The problem mainly involves how to understand the notion of “posting” as used in European rules for coordination of social security systems, which govern the issuance of A1 certificates.
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