Marcin Wujczyk


Dr hab. Marcin Wujczyk, attorney-at-law, practises individual and collective employment law, with a particular emphasis on employees’ right to privacy and employers’ cooperation with trade unions and employee representatives. He advises some of Poland’s largest companies on group redundancies, transfer of enterprises, and anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination proceedings. He provides immediate support in the decision-making process for management boards and HR directors of Polish and international companies. He is a lecturer in the Department of Labour Law and Social Policy at the Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University.

5 November 2019
Art. 42 §4 of the Polish Labour Code grants the employer broad authority to modify employees’ working conditions. It permits the employer to assign work to the employee different from that originally agreed. But this possibility is subject to many limitations. The employer thus may assign different work to the employee only when: A legitimate need arises on the part of the employer The period of assignment of different work does not exceed three months within a calendar year Assignment of different work will not reduce the employee’s pay, and The assigned work is suited to the...
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22 October 2019
A condition for calling a strike in a collective labour dispute is to obtain the approval of the employees through a strike referendum. The Act on Resolution of Collective Disputes gives only limited indications of the rules under which such a referendum should be conducted.
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