
The Polish so-called "anti-crisis shield" proposal assumes changes in a number of legislative acts, including the provisions governing the stay of foreigners on the territory of Poland. Among other things, these changes are necessary because of the limited activities of the authorities responsible for receiving and processing applications for residence permits as well as restrictions in cross-border traffic. Among other changes, the proposal assumes an amendment to the Act on Foreigners as regards the deadline for submitting applications for residence permits.
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The dangers caused by COVID-19 result in many employers unilaterally introducing measures to protect their employees from falling ill with the virus. For example, they measure their temperature before they enter the workplace or ask them to complete declarations stating where (in which country) and with whom they spent their holidays. As a result, a number of personal data is collected, including special categories of personal data (concerning health). An extraordinary situation, however, does not entitle employers to take completely arbitrary action.
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23 March 2020
Draft laws comprising the so-called anti-crisis shield have already been provided for public consultation. They are to be adopted by the government on Tuesday 24 March, and by the Sejm on Friday 27 March.
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17 March 2020
On 13 March 2020, an executive regulation of the Minister of Health on the declaration of an epidemiological threat in the Republic of Poland entered into force. It indicates that in the period from 14 March 2020 until further notice a state of an epidemiological threat is declared in the Republic of Poland due to infections from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The result is, inter alia, suspension of international air and rail connections and a ban on foreigners entering the Republic of Poland. In turn, each person crossing the state border to return to its place of residence or stay in the Republic...
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17 March 2020
Due to the COVID–19 pandemic, Poland adopted regulations temporarily restricting entry to Poland of non-Polish citizens.
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11 March 2020
On 8 March 2020, the Law on special arrangements for the prevention and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them (Crisis Act) took effect. It introduced a number of provisions setting rules and procedures for preventing and combating infection and spread of the COVID-19 infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as well as tasks of public administrations in this regard.
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