Agnieszka Lisiecka


Agnieszka Lisiecka heads the Employment practice. She handles individual and collective labour law matters and employment litigation.
She advises on employment restructuring, including transfers of workers, outsourcing and group dismissals. She has experience dealing with collective bargaining agreements and resolution of collective disputes. Her employment litigation practice includes disputes over termination of employment, injuries at work, breach of employees’ personal rights, mobbing, and discrimination. She is experienced in forensic audits involving commercial offences as well as compliance programmes.
She is a founding member of the Polish Employment Law Association, and was a member of the association’s management board in 2011–2014. Since June 2022 has also served on the board of the European Employment Lawyers Association.
She has completed basic training in mediation and specialised training in employment mediation.
In 2022 she completed Executive MBA studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She conducts lectures (including at the Warsaw Bar) and training, and is the author of publications on employment law.

11 December 2019
After amendment of the Unfair Competition Act, should a nondisclosure obligation be provided explicitly in an employment contract for when an employee leaves?  
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6 December 2019
Whistleblowers are individuals who voluntarily and in good faith report or disclose information about abuse, contributing to the prevention of harm and the detection of public-interest risks and threats that would otherwise remain undetected. Although national institutions and bodies, as well as social organisations, have repeatedly raised the need for regulations to protect such persons, Poland has not yet developed a comprehensive regulation to protect whistleblowers. This is expected to change in the near future, as on 7 October 2019 the Council of the European Union adopted the...
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27 November 2019
Our blog is for everyone professionally involved with labour law and human resources. The profile of employment law is clearly rising. The complexity of issues presented in this field is also growing. It can be said without exaggeration that nearly everything in business revolves around employees. Apart from inflation in the regulations, this is affected by changes in society and civilisation, including demographics, increased mobility of workers, and growth of new technologies. 
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27 November 2019
Polish employers sending workers on foreign business trips more and more often have legitimate doubts whether they should apply for an A1 certificate for such staff. This is a document required in the case of posting of workers, confirming that they are covered by the social security legislation of the given jurisdiction. The problem mainly involves how to understand the notion of “posting” as used in European rules for coordination of social security systems, which govern the issuance of A1 certificates.
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