27 November 2019

Welcome to the HRlaw blog

Our blog is for everyone professionally involved with labour law and human resources.

The profile of employment law is clearly rising. The complexity of issues presented in this field is also growing. It can be said without exaggeration that nearly everything in business revolves around employees. Apart from inflation in the regulations, this is affected by changes in society and civilisation, including demographics, increased mobility of workers, and growth of new technologies. 

Today an employee is not just a subject of labour law, but also a subject of data protection law, copyright law, and corporate law, as well as a taxpayer. An employee who is properly motivated and cared for is the key to the well-being of the enterprise, but an employee can also cause problems and become the employer’s adversary in litigation. On top of this, employees are working with more mobility and flexibility, and this in turn poses challenges for the employer in recording and monitoring working time. Often this also requires a familiarity with, or at least coordination across, multiple jurisdictions. All of these factors make employment law an increasingly complex area.

We will take a comprehensive view of employees and employment law. We will share our experience and knowledge with our readers. We will help our readers keep abreast of current changes in employment law, including the progress of legislative initiatives. We will discuss interesting, groundbreaking rulings by the Supreme Court of Poland and the lower courts. We hope our own interpretation of the regulations provides our readers with useful insight.

We will also write about trends, best practice, management and proper communications. As practice shows, many problems arising between employer and employee can be traced to issues of management style or a breakdown in communications.

I encourage you to read our blog and determine for yourself whether we succeed in fulfilling these ambitious aims. (Please submit any comments, as well as proposed topics, to hrlaw@wardynski.com.pl.)

I would also like to thank all my colleagues from the Employment practice at Wardyński & Partners for their commitment to this undertaking and for their ideas and inspirations.

Agnieszka Lisiecka

Partner and head of the Employment practice
Wardyński & Partners