
28 March 2023

On 21 March 2023, the President signed the Act of 9 March 2023 Amending the Act on Foreigners and Certain Other Acts. The amendment was published in the Journal of Laws on 23 March 2023 and, with certain exceptions, will enter into force 14 days after its publication. The purpose of the amendment is to ensure the application of Regulations 2018/1860 and 2018/1861, dated 28 November 2018, of the  European Parliament and of the Council (EU).

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5 January 2023

Infertility treatment using the in vitro method entails costs which, due to non-reimbursement by the National Health Fund, for many people constitutes an enormous expense, often impossible to cover with own funds. Although there are local government support programmes in some Polish cities, subsidies that can be obtained from them do not cover all costs and apply only to selected groups of people.

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14 December 2022

On 13 September 2022, a draft law on the employment of foreigners (list no: 400) appeared on the website of the Government Legislation Centre. It is primarily intended to be comprehensive legislation regulating key issues concerning the employment of foreigners, currently scattered across various laws and regulations. As indicated in the explanatory memorandum to the draft, it is also intended to streamline procedures and shorten waiting time for decisions.

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13 December 2022

The upcoming amendment to the Labour Code on remote work is expected to comprehensively regulate a number of issues and relationships between employer and employee, significantly changing the existing legal landscape for performing work from home. The amendment also touches on issues of processing of personal data.

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7 December 2022

The Christmas and New Year period forces a change in work organisation in many companies. For many undertakings the turn of the year is a holiday period. This is particularly true for production plants, where starting up and maintaining full-scale production in this period is often economically insensible. However, reducing production does not mean that the machinery park can be left without any supervision.

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25 November 2022

Between the hammer and anvil: a forgotten institution in an employer's crisis situation

The current socio-economic situation presents employers a huge challenge. On one hand, they confront inflationary increases that are necessary to retain employees. On the other hand, they struggle with rising prices and business costs.

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