Posted on Categories Social Insurance

Reporting specific-task contracts – a new obligation for payers of contributions and individuals

From 1 January 2021, payers of contributions and individuals commissioning work will be obliged to inform ZUS, (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, Poland’s social insurance institution) about concluding specific-task contracts (umowy o dzieło) that are not subject to social security and health insurance contributions. Thanks to this new obligation, ZUS will be able to verify the existence of the social security obligation of persons performing specific-task contracts. However, this brief regulation may raise many practical reservations.

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Posted on Categories employment contract, Social Insurance

An employment contract with a foreign employer is not always subject to Polish social insurance

An employment contract performed entirely within Poland but concluded with an employer without a registered office in the EU, the EEA or Switzerland may not constitute grounds for mandatory Polish social insurance. This position was adopted by the Social Insurance Institution in an individual interpretation of Polish law.

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Posted on Categories accident at work

Accidents at work – and what next: accidents on the way to work

Employees sometimes report accidents on their way to work. This generally results in an employee’s lateness to or absence from work being deemed excused. Employers are often unaware, however, that such notification carries additional obligations. Failures in this respect create the risk of the employee litigating with the employer to establish that such an event was an accident on the way to work. What should an employer do to protect themselves from such a risk?

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