
Employment Law Newsletter, April - June 2016
Posting to the territory of Poland, new types of work permits, minimum hourly rates for contractors and longer time limits for employees to bring proceedings.
Employment Law Newsletter January - March 2016
Changes to parenthood leave, new provisions on definite term employment contracts and amendment to the Trades Unions Act.
New era for personal data protection

On 17 December 2015, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs voted in favour of the proposed Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. The draft adopted is the result of several years of legislative work, discussions among stakeholders, and weighing of competing priorities. The proposal is a point of departure for further legislative work and may undergo further modifications. Nonetheless, it gives a clear picture of the General Data Protection Regulation which is soon expected to become law. A major reform of the data protection system throughout the European Union is about to take place.

Sylwia Paszek, Agnieszka Szydlik, Katarzyna Żukowska 

Foreign minimum wage for a Polish employee

With the growing popularity of assignment of Polish employees to work in other EU countries and hiring of employees to work in those countries by Polish employers, such employers more and more often face the problem of applying foreign regulations on minimum wages.

Magdalena Świtajska, Agnieszka Lisiecka

Company property, but maybe private?

While exercising supervision over staff, may an employer access content stored on company computers or smartphones or transmitted using such devices? Or does the employer’s accessing such content violate the confidentiality of the employee’s correspondence, as well as data protection regulations?

Katarzyna Żukowska, Agnieszka Lisiecka 

Employment Law Newsletter, October - December 2015
New factors detrimental to women’s health, reimbursement of the cost of employing an unemployed individual and determining the rate of allowance for overnight accommodation in the sleeper cab.