On 1 July 2022, a further amendment was announced to the Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of the Country.
The amendment gives an additional 14 days for the submission of notifications on giving work to Ukrainian nationals and their family members if, for some reason, these notifications were not submitted earlier. This new deadline runs from the amendment’s entry into force, namely from 2 July 2022. It follows that a notification may be submitted up to and including 16 July. However, this deadline falls on a Saturday, and there is no information on the government’s website as to whether the deadline is therefore extended to Monday, and whether the system will allow notifications to be submitted on Monday. As a precaution, we advise against delaying with submitting such notifications.
The additional deadline for submitting the notification may be benefitted from by entities that complied with other formalities associated with giving work (such as, notified the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) or the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS)), but just failed to submit the notification or submitted it after a deadline.
Text of the draft bill