flash news: #OSH

15 May 2024
Deadline approaching for adapting workstations equipped with electronic visual displays

This Friday, 17 May 2024, the deadline will pass for adapting workstations equipped with electronic visual displays to new occupational health and safety requirements.

As a reminder, if an employee uses portable equipment (in particular a laptop), for at least half of daily working hours, the employee’s workstation must be furnished with a desktop monitor or a suitable stand and an additional keyboard and mouse.

We discuss the other key changes here

Text of the regulation: >>>

29 January 2024
Changes in the regulation on factors harmful to health

On 22 January 2024, a draft regulation of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy amending the regulation on maximum permissible concentrations and intensities of factors harmful to health in the working environment was published on the website of the Government Legislation Centre.

The amendment provides for:

  • Introduction of new values of maximum permissible concentrations for certain harmful factors,
  • Extension with new chemicals of the List of values of maximum permissible concentrations of chemical and dust factors harmful to health in the working environment.
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9 November 2023
Screen monitors

On November 2nd, 2023, an amendment to the regulation on work health & safety at workstations equipped with screen monitors was published in the Journal of Laws.

The changes will come into force on November 17th and from then on employers will have six months to comply with the minimum health & safety and ergonomic requirements set out in the amended regulation.

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