flash news: #foreigners

16 October 2024
Assumptions of Poland's migration strategy for 2025-2030

On October 15th, the main assumptions of the document entitled ‘Take back control. Ensure security. Comprehensive and responsible migration strategy of Poland for 2025-2030’ were added to the list of the Council of Ministers’ legislative and programming work. According to the information published on the website of the Council of Ministers (for the time being still very general), the document is to set directions for changes in immigration law in terms of:

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27 September 2024
New draft bill to resolve problems with the visa issuing system

Yesterday on 26 September 2024, the Government’s Legislation Centre published the announced draft bill amending certain acts in order to resolve problems in the visa system of the Republic of Poland (we learnt of the premises for this bill a few weeks ago).

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20 September 2024
Employment of foreigners in Poland - first half of 2024

The Labour Market Department of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy has published information on the employment of foreigners in Poland in the first half of 2024. The ministerial data confirm the trend of an increasing number of foreigners finding employment in Poland.

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28 August 2024
EU Blue Card: List of professions whose practice results in recognition of higher professional qualifications for foreigners

On 30 July 2024, the following was published on the website of the Government Legislation Centre: supplementary material to the draft Act on amending the Act on foreigners and certain other acts (UC15). It includes an annex to aRegulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration with a list of professions the practice of which results in the recognition of higher professional qualifications obtained by a foreigner.

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9 August 2024
EES/ETIAS and the residence permit of UK citizens after Brexit

An EU IT system is due to be launched in the first half of 2025 that will record the entries and exits of non-EU nationals (EES), as well as short-term travel permits (ETIAS) to the EU. Therefore, UK citizens living in Poland and their eligible family members should consider applying for a residence permit now - if they have not already done so.

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31 July 2024
Foreigners working in Poland and the country’s demographic situation

The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) has published a report on foreigners registered with Poland’s social insurance system in 2023.

The report states that 1,127,744 foreigners were registered with the social security system in 2023, which is nearly 513% more than in 2015.

The growth is therefore noticeable and has been almost exponential, so far.

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