flash news: #social insurance

1 August 2024
Ministry of the Family, Labour and Social Policy plans to impose social insurance contributions on civil law contracts

On 5 July 2024, the Ministry of the Family, Labour and Social Policy announced the status of work on a draft amendment to the Act on the Social Insurance System and the Act on Social Insurance for Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases. The draft was prepared and subsequently discussed at the last meeting of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers. Its aim is to implement the A4.7 reform set out in the National Reconstruction Plan.

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12 July 2024
Draft amendments to the Labour Code - seniority

On 9 July 2024, a draft bill on amendments to the Labour Code (UD59), dated 4 July 2024, was posted on the website of the Government Legislation Centre.

The draft extends the assumptions (which we wrote about here) to include the following:

  • periods of employment are to include:
    • training at a doctoral school,
    • receiving a sports scholarship,
    • drawing unemployment benefit,
    • running an individual farm or working on such a farm;
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21 May 2024
Assumptions of draft amendments to the Labour Code - seniority

On 13 May 2024, assumptions on the draft law on amendments to the Labour Code (project number UD59) appeared on the list of legislative and program work of the Council of Ministers. The proposed changes particularly include the following counted as part of the employment period:

  • periods of work on the basis of an agency contract, contract of mandate or other contract for the provision of services to which, in accordance with the Civil Code, provisions relating to mandate apply,
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