14 September 2022
A draft law on the employment of foreigners has appeared on the Council of Ministers' legislative work list. It assumes the transfer to a draft law of provisions on work permits, which are currently in the Employment Promotion and Labour Market Institutions Act.
The most significant changes arising from the draft are:
  • full electronification of procedures related to receipt of a work permit and acceptance of a statement on employment of a foreigner, including the creation of an ICT system to monitor the use of permits and statements,
  • introduction of an additional prerequisite for granting a work permit: work hours of at least ¼ FTE or 10 hours per week,
  • elimination of the institution of work permit renewal,
  • elimination of the so-called "labour market test": it will not be necessary in proceedings for the issue of a work permit to present information from the county administrator on inability to meet the employer's staffing needs,
  • introduction of a procedure for comparing the amount of remuneration proposed to a foreigner with remuneration proposed in the local labour market according to announcements posted in the Central Job Offer Database on the portal praca.gov.pl.
Draft text >>>