16 November 2022

On 15 November 2022, the second reading of the government’s bill on an ICT system to be used for certain contracts (no. 2766) was held. The draft bill applies to employers and mandators that are:

  • micro-entrepreneurs/non-micro-entrepreneurs employing not more than 9 people,
  • farmers in the meaning of the Act on Social Insurance for Farmers, dated 20 December 1990, and
  • natural persons who are neither entrepreneurs nor farmers.

The draft bill aims to create an ICT system that will enable the above entities to, among others:

  • conclude, amend and terminate:
    • employment contracts,
    • contracts of mandate,
    • contracts for the provision of services, to which provisions on contract of mandate apply,
    • activation agreements under Article 50 par. 1 of the Act on the Care of Children Aged up to 3, dated 4 February 2011,
  • hold personnel files,
  • issue certificates of employment using ready templates available in the system,
  • calculate and pay social security contributions,
  • calculate and pay advances against income tax.

The draft bill states that the new provisions are mostly to enter into force 30 days after its publication in the Journal of Laws, and the ICT system is to be operational within three years of the Act’s entry into force.

Draft text >>>