15 March 2023

As of 1 March 2023, it is no longer possible to schedule an appointment by email at the Mazovia Province Office to apply for a residence permit for a family.

First it is necessary to register on the inPOL portal and fill out an application form for each family member. After completion of the form, individual codes will be generated.

Then the applicant should complete a registration form (entering among other things the codes generated in the inPOL system), and wait for the authority to schedule the visit. In this format the applicant cannot choose the date for the visit at the office—it is necessary to wait until the date it set by the authority.

The order of appointments at the Mazovia Province Office is determined by the end date of the period of legal stay in Poland indicated in the form, which is verified each time by the inspector receiving the application.

Source: https://www.gov.pl/web/uw-mazowiecki/nowy-sposob-zapisu-w-celu-zlozenia-wniosku-o-udzielenie-zezwolenia-na-pobyt-czasowy-staly-lub-rezydenta-dlugoterminowego-ue-dla-rodzin-oraz-dla-obywateli-ukrainy-wykonujacych-prace-kierowcy-w-transporcie-miedzynarodowym 

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