23 October 2023

Almost one million foreign workers in Poland at the end of April constituting 6.4% of the total workforce.

A recently published report from GUS (Statistics Poland) shows that 982,200 foreigners were working in Poland on 30 April 2023, accounting for 6.4% of the total number of people working in Poland.

The foreigners were from more than 150 countries. The most numerous were Ukrainian citizens (70%), followed by Belarusians and Georgians. Once again, despite some decline compared to data for 2022, men were making up the bulk of the foreign workforce in Poland (their share was 59.4%).

Nearly 40% of foreigners included in the GUS report (386,000 persons) were working under civil law contracts.

Interestingly, only in 2022 the number of foreign workers who were liable to social insurance contributions was still essentially rising from month to month. At the end of December 2022, there were 1,004,400 of these workers, therefore 27.3% more than at the end of January 2022.

These data show a clear slowing down in the influx of foreigners to the Polish market.

Source: data from Statistics Poland (including a report available at: https://stat.gov.pl/statystyki-eksperymentalne/kapital-ludzki/cudzoziemcy-wykonujacy-prace-w-polsce-w-kwietniu-2023-roku,15,5.html)

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