22 August 2023

Foreigners staying in Poland will not be able to obtain a Polish visa by post

During the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, rules were brought in that allowed Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Georgians and Armenians to apply for visas through the postal system or by proxy. This option has now been significantly restricted.

According to a government announcement persons seeking to apply by post or by proxy for a visa must be in the territory of the state in which the consulate is located, to which they intend to send their visa application.

If a foreigner submits an application to a Polish consulate while outside the borders of the country in which the consulate is located (including during a stay in Poland), the consulate will disregard the application and return it to its sender.

We would like to remind you that:

  • Ukrainian nationals in Poland are regarded as having a legal right of stay until 4 March 2024 (and in some cases until 31 August 2024 or 30 September 2024) under the Act on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of Ukraine, dated 12 March 2022
  • foreigners residing in Poland who wish to extend their stay may legalise it by obtaining temporary residence permits.