19 July 2023

Ministerstwo pracuje nad listą przedsiębiorców strategicznych

On 10 July 2023, the Ministry of Development and Technology announced that it is currently working on a regulation for a schedule of entrepreneurs conducting activities of strategic importance for the national economy. According to the explanatory memorandum, the schedule is to include entrepreneurs employing highly qualified workers from outside the EU, conducting significant outlay investments or creating considerable numbers of jobs.

This regulation is to implement the delegation of legislative powers contained in Article 88cb of the Act on Promotion of Employment and Labour Market Institutions, enabling the relevant minister of the economy to issue such a regulation after noting the needs of the national economy and nature of an entrepreneur's activity. The Act specifies that the provincial governor reviews applications for work permits giving priority to foreigners who are to work for the companies specified in this schedule.

Through the publication of this regulation, the Ministry expects to increase the attractiveness of Poland for global entrepreneurs, who could thus gain faster access to the labour market for their professionals from outside the EU.

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