19 October 2023

Polish travel document for Belarusians without their passports

By decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, since September this year, Belarusians are unable to apply for and obtain passport documents while staying abroad. The latest regulation governing this matter completely deprives Belarusian citizens of the right to apply for a new passport, irrespective of the factual basis (loss of the document, destruction, expiry date), as well as any civil status documents.

The Polish government, in order to meet the needs of Belarusian citizens, introduced significant facilitations for this group of applicants for the issuance of Polish travel documents for foreigners as early as July 2023. By means of the Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 28 June 2023 on citizenship, the possession of which entitles one to apply for the issuance of a Polish travel document for a foreigner under the conditions set out in Article 252a(1) of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners (Journal of Laws, item 1247), Belarusian citizens were included in the group of foreigners who can obtain a Polish travel document on below preferential conditions:

  • in case they have never had a travel document issued by their country of origin (this regulation is of particular importance for children of Belarusian citizens born in Poland, who cannot return to their country of origin);
  • without the need to prove that it is impossible for them to obtain a new travel document from the authorities of their country of citizenship;
  • also during the period of stay in Poland on the basis of a temporary residence permit other than that granted in connection with a stay in Poland on the basis of a humanitarian visa.

In order for Belarusian citizens to benefit from the possibility of obtaining a Polish travel document under this preferential basis, it is necessary to submit an application for its issue between 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2023. Applications submitted to governors before 1 July 2023 will be considered under the general provision of Article 252 of the Act on Foreigners.

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