The Whistleblower Act – the Senate has removed labour law from the areas of law in which a whistleblower can report wrongdoing - Labour and employment law

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5 June 2024

The Whistleblower Act – the Senate has removed labour law from the areas of law in which a whistleblower can report wrongdoing

On Wednesday, 5 June, 2024, the Senate submitted changes to the whistleblower bill adopted by the Sejm – removing labour law from the list of areas in which wrongdoing can be reported. The bill will now return to the Sejm, which will decide whether to approve the change made by the Senate.

If the Sejm concurs with the Senate’s view, the removal of the sphere of labour law from the bill will have major implications for the nature of the whistleblowing procedure. This will mean it will not be possible for whistleblowers to report misconduct such as harassment or breach of occupational health and safety regulations, in line with arguments long since raised by the public participants in the procedure, who have said from the beginning that appropriate safeguards already exist in Polish labour law to protect employees in this regard.

News concerning further changes to the Whistleblower bill and progress in the legislative process will be provided as they occur.

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