14 October 2022

Work is underway on a draft bill on professional activity (list number: UD399). Its proposals are to replace the current Act of 20 April 2004 on employment promotion and labour market institutions starting on 1 January 2023.

The most important changes arising from the draft for employers are:

  • decrease in the scope of mandatory information required from an employer offering a job,
  • employer freedom to choose the district employment office with which cooperation is desired,
  • ability to organise an internship for the unemployed being conditional on a declaration that, upon its termination, the employer will hire the unemployed person for a period at least equal to the internship,
  • ability of the internship organiser to apply for a Labour Fund-financed bonus of PLN 500 for each full month of an internship programme completed by each unemployed person who, within 12 months of completing the internship, obtained a document confirming acquisition of knowledge and skills,
  • an internship organiser who interrupts an internship without good reason or who fails to meet the obligation to employ a graduate intern will not be able to take on interns for one year,
  • disappearance of tripartite training contracts and substitution with the ability to finance training ordered by the district employment office on the basis of an employer or entrepreneur application.

Draft text >>>

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