25 June 2024

New database to record the entries and exits of foreigners

The Ministry of the Interior and Administration has announced that it will introduce a system in 2025 for registering the entries/exits of non-EU nationals who cross the Polish border.

The Polish registry is to be linked to the European EES system, which is responsible for registering the entries and exits of non-EU nationals at the European Union’s external borders.

According to the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, the following details will be recorded in the database, along with the foreigner’s name:

  • refusals of entry
  • revocations or cancellations of a short-term right to stay
  • decisions requiring return
  • expulsions from the territory of the Republic of Poland.

The system is to also record the biometric data of foreigners, to exclude the risk of them re-entering with false documents.

Ultimately, entries in the system are to replace the mandatory stamping of passports.

The data in the registry will be available to consuls, province governors and the Office for Foreigners, among others, and indirectly also to prosecutors’ offices, courts and all security services, in order to assist in identifying suspects of terrorism or other serious crimes.

More from: #foreigners