Rights of members of a local or territorial election commission
In upcoming parliamentary elections, the new content of art. 154 § 4 of the Electoral Code will apply for the first time. It defines the rights of members of a local or territorial election commission in relation to the performance of their tasks.
Employees who choose to serve as a member of a local or territorial election commission are entitled to:
- an exemption from work for the day of voting and vote counting, as well as for the day following the day on which vote counting is completed, with retention of the right to social security benefits and employment rights, as well as
- up to 5 days of exemption from work with retention of the right to social security benefits and employment rights, with the exception of the right to remuneration.
If members of a local or territorial election commission intend to take time off work, they should, at least three days before the expected date of absence from work, notify their employer in writing of the reason and expected period of absence from work and, no later than the day after the period of absence from work, provide their employer with a certificate justifying their absence from work. The exact content of this certificate is specified by the Election Code.
Before the amendment of Article 154 § 4 of the Election Code, members of a local or territorial election commission were not entitled to remuneration in relation to the performance of their tasks.