The Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers – the Sejm has adopted the Senate’s amendments, and it is currently awaiting the President’s signature - Labour and employment law

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14 June 2024

The Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers – the Sejm has adopted the Senate’s amendments, and it is currently awaiting the President’s signature

On Friday, 14 June 2024, the Sejm (the lower house of Polish Parliament) passed a law on the protection of whistleblowers. Thus, a piece of legislation that does not relate to labour law will go to the President for signature. Under the whistleblowing procedure, legal entities will not have to deal with reports of bullying or discrimination. Employers will be entitled to consider such reports, but this will not be mandatory.

Legal entities which employ at least 50 people will generally be required to establish an internal notification procedure. This will include persons working both under employment contracts (full-time equivalent) and under civil law contracts (as long as such persons do not use subcontractors). You will find more about this issue here: Applicable scope of the law on protection of whistleblowers.

Violations of the obligations specified in the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers may give rise to criminal, misdemeanour and compensatory liability. You will find more about liability for violations of the Act here: Sanctions and claims envisioned in the draft Whistleblower Protection Act.

If the President signs the bill into law, it will come into effect as early as the autumn – the Parliament has deferred the coming into force for most provisions for three months.

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