26 September 2024

Work is continuing on amending the Floods Act

On 25 September 2024, a bill was submitted to the Sejm to amend the act on special solutions for remedying the effects of flood and also certain other acts.

The bill’s main premises are:

  • employees affected by flooding will be entitled to 20 days’ paid leave up to the end of the period of flooding risk to help with remedying the effects of the flood (employers will be able to apply to the speaker of their province for a reimbursement of the salaries paid during this leave),
  • there will be an extension of the deadlines for lodging an appeal against a termination of employment and for claims under the employment,
  • employers will be able to extend the period in which employees are paid the minimum wage and their absence is justified, beyond the 10 working days under their working time schedules,
  • the number of days of leave on demand that an employee will be able to take will increase from 4 to 8 days,
  • until the end of the year, employees will be able to take 4 days of leave at a time of their choosing (on demand) to remedy the effects of flooding – the total days of leave granted on this basis, as well as on the above basis, as well as leave on demand under the Labour Code may not exceed 8 days,
  • a maximum of 5 days of annual leave will be allowed to be taken on an hourly basis, such as 3 hours of annual leave per working day,
  • the obligation to undergo medical examinations and health and safety training will be suspended for the duration of the period of flooding risk, and the validity of medical certificates and periodic training will be extended by 30 days after the end of the period of risk,
  • the ban on trading on Sundays will be lifted for the unloading, receiving and displaying of essential goods (except on Sundays that are public holidays),
  • employees who are on leave to care for children who cannot attend nursery, children’s club, kindergarten or school due to flooding will be entitled to an additional carer’s allowance (a similar allowance will be granted to carers of disabled persons),
  • employees will have the right to reduce their working hours to part-time (1/2 of full time) upon a request filed at least 2 days in advance,
  • employees will not be allowed to be posted outside their permanent workplace or to work overtime without their consent,
  • if it is not possible to organise new elections at the employer of works councils, social labour inspectors and trade union bodies, their terms of office will be automatically extended.

The bill has been sent for a first reading. The act is expected to enter into force the day after its promulgation.