flash news

2 August 2022

On 28 July 2022, a draft Regulation of the Council of Ministers on the amount of minimum wage and minimum hourly rate in 2023 was published on the Government Legislation Centre website (draft number: RD 585).

The Government proposed two increases in the minimum wage and minimum hourly rate.

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1 August 2022

A bill on collective labour disputes dated 11 July 2022 (draft number: UD 408) was published on the Government Legislation Centre’s website on 15 July 2022.

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27 July 2022

Refugees in Poland who escaped the war in Ukraine and have obtained a PESEL number showing “UKR” status, may travel from 23 July 2022 using their passports and a diia.pl digital document, which is generated by the mObywatel mobile app.

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26 July 2022

On 7 July 2022, the third version of the bill on the protection of whistleblowers (bill number: UC 101) was published on the Government Legislation Centre’s website. The submitted bill includes several changes compared with the bill published on 12 April 2022.

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14 July 2022

As of July 28, 2022, employees will receive higher per diems for domestic business travel. The change arises from an order of the Minister of Family and Social Policy dated 30 June 2022 amending the ordinance on dues payable to an employee working in an officially funded state or local government unit for business travel. The ordinance increases the per diem for domestic travel to PLN 38 per day of travel. Previously, the amount was PLN 30.

11 July 2022

The government has adopted a draft law amending the Law on Special Measures to Counteract Support for Aggression against Ukraine and to Protect National Security and the Law on National Fiscal Administration.

According to the draft, a sanctioned employer will be able to apply to the speaker of province assembly for benefits from the Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund to satisfy employee claims. If the employer chooses not to make such an application, payment of benefits can also be made on the basis of an employee's individual application.

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