flash news

28 August 2023

The President signed the Act on Employee Participation in a Company Arisen from a Cross-Border Conversion, Merger or Division of Companies, dated 26 May 2023. The following are the most important issues that this Act resolves:

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22 August 2023
Foreigners staying in Poland will not be able to obtain a Polish visa by post

During the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, rules were brought in that allowed Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Georgians and Armenians to apply for visas through the postal system or by proxy. This option has now been significantly restricted.

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21 August 2023

On 16 August 2023 President signed an amendment to the law on bridging pensions and certain other laws (Sejm Paper no. 3321), which extends the protection of specially protected employees.

The solutions introduced by this amendment in this respect are described here >>>

The provisions regarding specially protected employees will take effect 30 days after publication of the Act in the Journal of Laws.

3 August 2023

The Ministry of Family and Social Policy has presented a draft regulation on the amount of minimum wage and minimum hourly rate in 2024 (draft number: RD 585).

Once again, two increases in the minimum wage and minimum hourly rate have been proposed:

  • from 1 January 2024 the minimum wage will be PLN 4,242 gross, and the minimum hourly rate will be PLN 27.70 gross,
  • from 1 July 2024 the minimum wage will be set at PLN 4,300 gross and the minimum hourly rate at PLN 28.10 gross.


1 August 2023
Specially protected employees

On Friday, 28 July 2023, parliamentary work was completed on an amendment to the law on bridging pensions and certain other laws (Sejm Paper no. 3321), which extends the protection of specially protected employees.

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19 July 2023
Ministerstwo pracuje nad listą przedsiębiorców strategicznych

On 10 July 2023, the Ministry of Development and Technology announced that it is currently working on a regulation for a schedule of entrepreneurs conducting activities of strategic importance for the national economy. According to the explanatory memorandum, the schedule is to include entrepreneurs employing highly qualified workers from outside the EU, conducting significant outlay investments or creating considerable numbers of jobs.

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