flash news

1 February 2023

On 30 January 2023, a draft regulation of the Minister of Family and Social Policy amending the regulation on records on employees was published on the website of the Government Legislative Center.

The proposed changes are as follows:

  • records on employees working remotely are to be kept in Part B of personnel files;
  • a new Part E of personnel files is for keeping documents related to checking employee sobriety or checking for the presence in an  employee's body of agents acting similarly to alcohol.
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31 January 2023

Yesterday, the Office of the President announced that on 27 January 2023, the President signed an Act amending the Labour Code and Certain Other Acts (Parliamentary publication no. 2335), permanently introducing sobriety control and remote working into the Labour Code.

The Act will enter into force 14 days after the date of its promulgation – with the exception of provisions on remote working and those on telework that have been repealed, which will start to bind two months after the promulgation.

25 January 2023

On 17 January 2023, a change occurred to the  per kilometre rates at which employers reimburse their employees’ costs of using their private vehicles for business purposes.

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13 January 2023

On 13 January, the Sejm adopted an amendment to the Labour Code and certain other legislation (regarding remote work and testing for sobriety), rejecting all of the amendments proposed by the Senate.

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2 January 2023

As of 1st January 2023, the per diem rate applicable to a domestic business trip is PLN 45 (legal basis: ordinance of the Minister of Family and Social Policy of 25th October 2022 amending the ordinance on business trip entitlements payable to employees of publicly funded state or local government units).

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27 December 2022
Compensation for a breach of equal treatment

The Supreme Court has dismissed an extraordinary appeal of the Prosecutor General against a judgment that had awarded compensation to an employee for a breach of equal treatment on the grounds of sex and gender identity. The matter concerned a refusal to issue women’s work clothing to the employee.

The case involved a transgender person who had applied to be employed as a receptionist. The claimant was undergoing gender reassignment and had been perceived as a woman during the recruitment. However, she presented an earlier-issued personal identity card stating that she was male. As a result, the claimant was not issued with women’s work clothing, and it was pointed out to her that she was entitled to men’s attire, in accordance with the details of her personal identity card.

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